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else if Statements

Take a look at the starter code. It includes a function called guessNumber that accepts a guess and prints a message:

  • if the guess is greater than 10, it prints "Too high!"
  • else if the guess is less than 1, it prints "Too low!"
  • else if the guess matches secretNumber, it prints "You got it!"
  • else, it prints "Try again!"

Try running the code with different values for guess and secretNumber. What happens?

The if and else statements should look familiar. But what are those else if statements?

else if allows you to chain together a series of conditions. The code will check each condition until it finds one that is true (or until it reaches the else block). That's the code block that will be executed. All the remaining else if and else blocks will be skipped.


Define a function called forecast. It should take one input, temperature. The function should:

  • return the string "hot" if the temperature is greater than or equal to 90
  • return the string "warm" if the temperature is greater than or equal to 70 (but less than 90)
  • return the string "cool" if the temperature is greater than or equal to 40 (but less than 70)
  • return the string "cold" if the temperature is less than 40