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If-Else Statements

In the previous challenge, we used a conditional statement to print a warning message if the user failed to provide input. But there's another problem. We want to insert the user's input into a sentence, but we need to provide the appropriate article:

  • if the input begins with a vowel, we want to use "an"
  • if the input begins with anything else, we want to use "a"

Look over the starter code to see how you might solve the problem. Set noun to a string that begins with a vowel and run the code. Then change the value of noun to a string that beings with a consonant and run the code again. Can you tell which code executes in each case?

The if part of the conditional should look familiar. The code in the if block will execute only if needsAn is true. This time, we've added an else block. It doesn't have its own condition to check. Instead, the else block will execute if the if block doesn't execute.


Imagine we're writing an Mad Libs program and we've just implemented the code to handle picking the correct article, "a" or "an". Let's test it out. To pass the tests:

  • create a variable called input and assign to it a string
  • create another variable called hasAn
  • set it to true if input should be prefixed with "an"
  • set it to false if input should be prefixed with "a"