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Mini Project: Number Guessing Game

Let's build a number guessing game.

The code here will look very similar to the grade calculator you just built. Like the last project, you don't need to modify anything in index.html.

Your job is to write the logic for the checkGuess function defined in script.js.

checkGuess should:

  • return TOO LOW (all caps) if the guess is less than secretNumber
  • return TOO HIGH (all caps) if the guess is greater than secretNumber
  • return INVALID GUESS (all caps) if the guess is less than the lower bound or greater than the upper bound
  • return CORRECT (all caps) if the guess is correct

After making changes, be sure to press the play button to load your updated code.


Don't forget to test your code by pressing the check mark button. The tests expect the same output described above.