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While Loop Range Generator

Let's create together another useful function using a while loop: a range generator. Here by "range" I just mean an array of consecutive integers, e.g. [3, 4, 5, 6, 7].

Create a function called makeRange. It should take two arguments called start and end. In the function body:

  1. Create a variable called range and set it to an empty array: let range = [].
  2. Create a variable called nextVal and set it equal to start.
  3. Create a while loop. It should run as long as nextVal is less than or equal to end: while (nextVal <= end) { }.
  4. Inside the loop, push nextVal into the range array: range.push(nextVal).
  5. Also inside the loop, increment nextVal by 1: nextVal = nextVal + 1. (IMPORTANT! Failing to increment nextVal will create an infinite loop.)
  6. After the loop, return the range array.

Before pushing the test button, try running the coe yourself. Can you console.log a list that starts at 100 and ends at 107?