Are you sure you want to reset the challenge? You'll lose all changes you've made to the code.


I told you that the values of an object's key-value pairs could be anything, even a function. When an object key names a function, we call that function a method.

Study the starter code:

  • team is an object
  • team.roster is a pretty standard property. It stores an array of player names.
  • removePlayer is a method. It provides a way to change team.roster.
  • addPlayer is another method. It also provides a way to change team.roster.

I defined removePlayer and addPlayer in different ways just to show you two ways you can add a method to an object. Notice the funny-looking this in both methods. this is a way to refer to the object that the method is a member of.


Your task is to add a method to team. Call the method count. If I call it, it should return the current number of players listed in team.roster.