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Summary: REPLs and Variables

Congrats! You made it through the first set of challenges. Before moving on to the next, let's review what you've learned. You have an editor herein case you want to double check anything. (Just remember that, to get see output, you'll need to console.log() what you want to see.)

Do you remember . . .

  1. What REPL stands for?
  2. How to get back to a previous command you'd run in a REPL session?
  3. What a JavaScript variable is?
  4. What the special _ variable points to?
  5. How to assign a value to a variable when you're first creating it?
  6. How to change the value of a variable?
  7. What the keyword let is used for?
  8. How a variable created with the const keyword differs from a variable created with the let keyword?
  9. Why most lines of JavaScript end with a semicolon?

If you don't remember (or if you're not sure), go back to previous challenges to review.

When you think you've got it, click the ✓ button.