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Block vs. Inline Elements

Did you notice in the last challenge that the text wrapped with <strong> and <em> tags ran together on the same line? That's because they are inline elements: they are displayed on the same line as the surrounding text.

That's not how the <h1>, <p> tags we saw earlier worked. These are block elements: they start on a new line and take up the full width of the page.

With few exceptions, inline elements can be nested inside block elements, but block elements should NOT be nested inside inline elements.

So this is valid:

<p><strong>some important text</strong></p>

But this is NOT valid:

<strong><p>some important text</p></strong>

HTML is fairly forgiving, so if you try the second, it will still be displayed like the first, at least in this simple example. But things will get more complicated quickly. So get in the habit of nesting elements properly.

To practice, try nesting the <strong> and <em> tags each inside its own pair of <p> tags. Once you've added the <p> tags, click the ▶ button to be sure that there's a line break between the strong (bolded) and emphasized (italicized) segments.

Once you've succeeded, click the ✔ button to move on.