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HTML: The Language of the Web

Web pages are written in HTML:

  • Hyper
  • Text
  • Markup
  • Language

We'll worry about what those terms mean soon enough. To start, let's see an example.

What you see in the editor is HTML. It's just text with some special tags. They come in pairs, an opening and a closing tag:

  • <h1> and <\h1>
  • <p> and <\p>

To the side, in the "Web Page" tab, you can see what the browser makes of that HTML.

Try changing the text between the tags and clicking the ▶ button to update the page view. What happens if you remove the closing <h1> tag? What happens if you change the <h1> and <\h1> tags to <h2> and <\h2>?

After you've experimented a bit, click the ✓ button to move to the next challenge.