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Mini Project: Profile Page

You've already learned a lot about HTML. To bring it all together, try creating a profile page.

Your profile should:

  • Have your name at the top. Use a header tag for this.
  • Include a short bio inside one or more paragraph tags.
  • In your bio, emphasize (<em>) or mark as important (<strong>) at least one word or phrase.
  • Include a list -- ordered or unordered -- of important facts about you.
  • Includes an image of your Hall's coat of arms. If, for example, you're in Paladin, you'd use the following URL as the src attribute in your <img> tag: https://northridge.dev/static/images/paladin.png.

When you've finished, show it off. Congratulations! You're officially a web developer.

Click the ✔ button to review what you've learned about HTML.