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Mini Project: Style Gallery

Now's your chance to show off your style. In this mini project, your job is to design 6 styles: a combination of colors, fonts, and other style properties.

Before you Begin

The first step is to link the existing style sheet. If you can't remember how to use the <link> tag to load a style sheet, consult earlier lessons -- there are plenty of examples.

Add Your Styles

It's up to you to choose how you'll apply styles to each card. Maybe you want to add inline styles. Maybe you want to use IDs or classes. Maybe you want to use some combination.

We've learned a lot of style properties. Use a good range of them. If you're imagining something you don't know how to do with the style properties you know, there's a good chance you can find a style property that'll do the trick.


If you want, add some transitions triggered when you hover over a style card.

Submitting and Showing Off Your Style Gallery

When you're satisfied, show me your gallery. I'll give you feedback and a grade. I'll ask some of you to show off your gallery to the class on demo day.