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More Container Tags

<div> and <span> are generic containers. They don't have any special meaning. But there are other container tags that do. Here are a few:

  • <header>: Contains introductory content, maybe a heading, a logo, a search bar, or some navigational links.
  • <footer>: Contains content that appears at the bottom of the page, like a site map, copyright information, or contact details.
  • <nav>: Contains navigation links.
  • <main>: Contains the main content of the page.
  • <article>: Contains an independent piece of content, like a blog post or a news article.

None of these tags have default styles. They're just containers, and just like <div> and <span>, they can be styled with CSS. But they're more descriptive and make your page more accessible and machine readable.

I've used several of these tags in the starter code. Your job is to apply some styles to each. In styles.css, use tag selectors to style each of the special semantic tags you find. Choose any styles you want.

When your well-structured page is well-styled, click the ✔ button.