A First Example
Before we try to define or create our own functions, let's see an example.
In the code editor, you'll find a function called getFirstLetter
. It's very
simple: you give it a string, and it gives you back the first character in the
Let's try using it. You can call (or invoke, run, execute) a
function like this:
getFirstLetter("home run");
Of course, to see the result, you'll need to console.log
it. (Fun fact:
is a function too!) Add this code to the editor and run it:
console.log(getFirstLetter("home run"));
Try calling the function with different strings. No matter what string you give
it, it should return the first character.
Instead of console logging the result, you can store it in a variable:
let first = getFirstLetter("home run");
To pass the tests, create a variable called firstLetter
and set it equal to
the result of calling getFirstLetter
with the string "javascript"