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Write a First Function

A function is a block of code that gets its own name. To execute the code, you call the function's name. Here's the function we defined in the previous challenge:

function getFirstLetter(word) {
  return word[0];

JavaScript function definitions have a few parts:

  • The function keyword. It tells the engine "here comes a function definition."
  • The function's name (in our example, getFirstLetter).
  • Parentheses (). These hold the function's parameters. If there are no parameters, the parentheses are empty.
  • Parameters. These are variables that will hold input values.
  • Curly braces {}. These hold the function's code.
  • return keyword (within the curly braces). return determines what value is output when the function is called.


Let's write a function, an incredibly simple one. Follow these directions. The tests will pass if you've correctly defined the function.

  • Type the keyword function
  • Give the function a name: giveMeFive (it needs to match exactly)
  • Add parentheses (). We won't put anything inside these parentheses because this function doesn't need any input.
  • Add a pair of curly braces {}. Typically, the opening brace is on the same line as the function name and the closing brace is on its own line (see our example).
  • Inside the curly braces, add a return statement: return 5;

That's it! You can try calling your function (and console logging the output) like so:


If you've done everything correctly, it should always log 5.