Write a First Function A function is a block of code that gets its own name. To execute the code, you call the function's name. Here's the function we defined in the previous challenge: function getFirstLetter(word) { return word[0]; } JavaScript function definitions have a few parts: The function keyword. It tells the engine "here comes a function definition." The function's name (in our example, getFirstLetter). Parentheses (). These hold the function's parameters. If there are no parameters, the parentheses are empty. Parameters. These are variables that will hold input values. Curly braces {}. These hold the function's code. return keyword (within the curly braces). return determines what value is output when the function is called. Tests Let's write a function, an incredibly simple one. Follow these directions. The tests will pass if you've correctly defined the function. Type the keyword function Give the function a name: giveMeFive (it needs to match exactly) Add parentheses (). We won't put anything inside these parentheses because this function doesn't need any input. Add a pair of curly braces {}. Typically, the opening brace is on the same line as the function name and the closing brace is on its own line (see our example). Inside the curly braces, add a return statement: return 5; That's it! You can try calling your function (and console logging the output) like so: console.log(giveMeFive()); If you've done everything correctly, it should always log 5.