Comments The JavaScript engine tries to execute every instruction you give it in the order you set out. But it's often useful to leave a note for yourself or others near the code it explains. So JavaScript gives us a way to write comments that it will ignore. // This is a comment // Any line that begins with a double forward slash is ignored You can use // to add a comment to the end of a code line: let scoreTotal = 78 + 92 + 88; // Another way to comment You can instead use /* and */ to create a block comment. Everything between the opening /* and closing */ will be ignored. Most commonly, comment blocks are used to add multi-line comments: /* This is a block comment */ let count = 22; /* Another way to block comment */ /* And here's a multi-line comment, which can span multiple lines * without needing to add `//` to each line */ count = count + 1; Test it out! Try running the code as-is and then run it again after "uncommenting" the line with the console.log. Then, to pass the tests, follow the instructions in the code comments. Click ✓ to test your code.