What's a String? A string is just text data, a sequence of characters. A string can be: empty let emptyString = ""; a single character let lowercaseA = "a"; let smileyFace = "😊"; let firstLetterOfHewbrewAlphabet = "א"; let space = " "; let number = "1"; a word let butterfly = "Schmetterling"; a sentence let typingPractice = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."; A string can even contain a whole book. To create a string, you need to enclose the text in quotation marks. You can use single or double quotes, but they have to match. let singleQuotes = 'Hello, World!'; let doubleQuotes = "Hello, World!"; // but never... let mismatchedQuotes = 'Hello, World!"; Practice by following the directions in the code editor. Click ✓ to test your code.