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Precedence: Second Look

Here's a quick recap of what we've seen so far:

You can apply styles:

  • directly to HTML tags (with the style attribute)
  • by tag
  • by ID
  • by class

The more specific styling instruction wins when there's a conflict

  • Inline styles take precedence over all other styles
  • ID styles take precedence over tag styles

But where does class styling fit in the specificity order? A simple experiment should settle the question.

In the starter code, there's a <p> tag with an ID and a class. Your job? Add a style sheet (within a pair of <style> tags) that:

  1. sets one text color by class and a different color by tag, then see which style rule wins
  2. sets one text color by class and a different color by ID, then see which style rule wins

Based on your experiments, what's the order of precedence? Are you confident? Click the ✔ button to move on.