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(Simplified) Specificity Summarized

Based on our experiments, here's how specificity shakes out (most to least specific):

  1. inline styles
  2. style by ID
  3. style by class
  4. style by tag

In truth, the specificity rules get more complex when you're dealing with more complicated selectors. We may get ourselves in a situation where we'll need to brush up on those complications. For now, we're better served practicing these simpler rules.

The starter code contains some unstyled HTML. Adding style is your job. Please add:

  • at least one inline style
  • at least one ID and a style defined with an ID selector
  • at least one class and a style defined with an class selector
  • at least one style defined with a class selector
  • at least one style conflict

Want to make it beautiful? Go for it. Want to see how ugly you can make it. That's cool, too. Practice is practice.

Once it's all styled up, click the ✔ button.